Bachcisaraj v litografijach, gravjurach i otkrytkach

Artikel-Nr.: 12_36_016

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Бахчисарай в литографиях, гравюрах и открытках / / | 978-966-1623-44-5 | Salta / Салта | 2011 | 352 S. | Simferopol’ / Симферополь

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Verlag Salta / Salta / Салта
Autor / /
Stadt Simferopol’ / Simferopol’ / Симферополь
Seiten 352 S.
ISBN 978-966-1623-44-5
Detail The album presents both well-known and rare lithographs, engravings, and picture cards with the views of Bakhchisaray, as well as recent photos of the town and its environs. All of illustrations are given citations from the travellers' books of 18th - beginning of the 20th cc. Most of the materials appear in print for the first time. /// The album presents both well-known and rare lithographs, engravings, and picture cards with the views of Bakhchisaray, as well as recent photos of the town and its environs. All of illustrations are given citations from the travellers' books of 18th - beginning of the 20th cc. Most of the materials appear in print for the first time. ///

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Ukraine, Bücher, Geschichte, Kulturgeschichte, Kunst