Semantycna deryvacija v relihijnij leksyci ukrajins’koji movy

Artikel-Nr.: 19_27_001

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Семантична деривація в релігійній лексиці української мови / Al’bina Kovtun / Альбіна Ковтун | 978-617-7611-17-1 | Technodruk / Технодрук | 2018 | 527 S. | Cernivci / Чернівці

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Verlag Technodruk / Tekhnodruk / Технодрук
Autor Al’bina Kovtun / Al’bina Kovtun / Альбіна Ковтун
Stadt Cernivci / Chernivtsi / Чернівці
Seiten 527 S.
ISBN 978-617-7611-17-1
Detail The publication presents a system-based analytical review of the content and results of the monographic study "Semantic Derivation in the Religious lexis of the Ukrainian Language" by Kovtun Albina Anatoliivna, devoted to the development of polysemy in the process of creation, formation and modern functioning of the Ukrainian religious vocabulary. The review determines the level of scientific and practical significance of the monographic research. /// ///

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Bücher, Religion, Sprachwissenschaft