Nasledie vizantijskogo Chersona / Наследие византийского Херсона

Référence: 12_14_015

978-966-1539-22-7 | Teleskop, IKA Techas / Телескоп, ИКА Техас | 2011 | 708 S., Großformat | Sevastopol’ - Ostin / Севастополь - Остин

Plus d'informations sur le produit

Verlag Teleskop, IKA Techas / Teleskop, IKA Tekhas / Телескоп, ИКА Техас
Stadt Sevastopol’ - Ostin / Sevastopol’ - Ostin / Севастополь - Остин
Seiten 708 S., Großformat
ISBN 978-966-1539-22-7
Detail This book is the first scholarly publicatoin to bring together 500 of the most interesting finds from the excavations of the northernmost outpost of the Byzantine Empire, Cherson, today housed in museum collections in different countries. Among them are coins and seals, jewelry and tools, everyday objects and liturgical vessels, many of them published for the first time.The publication is trilingual (in Russian, Ukrainian and English), and includes a general bibliography and an index of the areas and excavation sites of Byzantine Cherson and its surroundings. /// This book is the first scholarly publicatoin to bring together 500 of the most interesting finds from the excavations of the northernmost outpost of the Byzantine Empire, Cherson, today housed in museum collections in different countries. Among them are coins and seals, jewelry and tools, everyday objects and liturgical vessels, many of them published for the first time.The publication is trilingual (in Russian, Ukrainian and English), and includes a general bibliography and an index of the areas and excavation sites of Byzantine Cherson and its surroundings. ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Ukraine, Livres, Archéologie, Histoire, Etudes byzantines