Dnevniki sotrudnika NKVD : dokumental’noe razoblacenie stalinizma

Référence: 19_24_005

Дневники сотрудника НКВД : документальное разоблачение сталинизма  / Zelenkova, Anastasija / Зеленкова, Анастасия | 978-9984-897-70-7 | IBIK   / ИБИК   | 2019 | 256 S. | Riga / Рига

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Verlag IBIK   / IBIK   / ИБИК
Autor Zelenkova, Anastasija / Zelenkova, Anastasiia / Зеленкова, Анастасия
Stadt Riga / Riga / Рига
Seiten 256 S.
ISBN 978-9984-897-70-7
Detail The fate of the author of these diaries is truly amazing. Joseph Yatchenya managed to visit both the tsarist and the red army, saw with his own eyes the revolution and experienced all the hardships of the Stalinist regime. He writes how he became a resident of special services, a security officer, and after that he turned out to be an "enemy of the people." Moreover, he not only describes what happened to him, but also tries to analyze why it happened, to look for the answer to the question, did he do the right thing and what did he do wrong? Joseph Yatchenya tells in detail about what he had to endure in the "American", about the torture and methods of the NKVD, about the people - the victims and executioners - with whom fate brought him. He also narrates how he escaped into the war from two opponents at once - the Soviet authorities, who considered him "unreliable", and the German occupiers - already as a former employee of the bodies. He writes how he worked as an accountant under the occupation regime and how he went into the partisan detachment, where he saw looting, drunkenness and lawlessness. The book also has many references and historical references. To confirm the veracity of the described, an attempt was made (in most cases successful) to find in documents all those mentioned in the diaries. There is also information that was obtained in the archives of the KGB of Belarus regarding Joseph Yatchenya himself. /// ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Belarus, Exemplaires uniques précieuses, Zeitgeschichte