Na uzbicci suspil’stva: Dolja ukrajins’kych "ostarbajteriv" (Podillja, 1942 - 2007 pp.)

Référence: 11_26_030

Plus d'informations sur le produit

Verlag Vinnyc’ka filija Centru doslidzennja istoriji Podillja Іnstytutu istoriji Ukrajiny, Merk’juri - Podillja / Vinnyts’ka filiia Tsentru doslidzhennia istorii Podillia Іnstytutu istorii Ukrainy, Merk’iuri - Podillia / Вінницька філія Центру дослідження історії Поділля Інституту історії України, Меркьюрі - Поділля
Autor Hal’cak S. D. / Hal’chak S. D. / Гальчак С. Д.
Stadt Vinnycja / Vinnytsia / Вінниця
Seiten 768 S.
ISBN 978-966-2954-52-4
Detail The publication covers the Nazi occupation policy and practices related to forced human resources mobilization, discrimination, living conditions and drudgery of Podillia’s (Ukraine) ostarbeiters in the Reich’s defense industry and agriculture; the underground resistance to the Nazi occupants; the national liberation and European Resistance movements. It offers a profound analysis of repatriation mechanisms, attitude of the USSR and Ukrainian SSR party leadership towards forced laborers, their social adaptation in Soviet environment, rehabilitation in the USSR and independent Ukraine. /// The publication covers the Nazi occupation policy and practices related to forced human resources mobilization, discrimination, living conditions and drudgery of Podillia’s (Ukraine) ostarbeiters in the Reich’s defense industry and agriculture; the underground resistance to the Nazi occupants; the national liberation and European Resistance movements. It offers a profound analysis of repatriation mechanisms, attitude of the USSR and Ukrainian SSR party leadership towards forced laborers, their social adaptation in Soviet environment, rehabilitation in the USSR and independent Ukraine. ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Livres, Militaire, Histoire moderne, Exemplaires uniques précieuses, Zeitgeschichte