Muzej volyns’koji ikony : knyha-al’bom

Référence: 14_39_025

Музей волинської ікони : книга-альбом / / | 978-966-187-193-8 | ADEF-Ukrajina / АДЕФ-Україна | 2012 | 400 S., Grossformat | Kyjiv / Київ

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Verlag ADEF-Ukrajina / ADEF-Ukraina / АДЕФ-Україна
Autor / /
Stadt Kyjiv / Kyiv / Київ
Seiten 400 S., Grossformat
ISBN 978-966-187-193-8
Detail The album offered to your attention represents the works of Volyn icon-painting, religious pictorial art of West European tradition, church carvings and sculpture of the 16-18 th centuries from the collection of the Museum of Volyn Icon in Lutsk. This edition acquaints art admirers with the unique Volyn icons that make up the treasury of the intellectual heritage of Volyn region being invaluable cultural possessions of the Ukrainian people, the source of heartwarming joy and spiritual development. The book contains a representation of the unique instance of Byzantine art of the 11th century – the icon of the Mother of God of Kholm worshiped in Christianity as miracle-working. /// ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Livres, Art