Ocerki istorii Sevastopol’skoj biologiceskoj stancii - Instituta biologii juznych morej (1871-2011)

Artikel-Nr.: 13_01_014

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Очерки истории Севастопольской биологической станции - Института биологии южных морей (1871-2011) / pod red. N. V. Sadrina / под ред. Н. В. Шадрина | 978-966-02-6269-0 | EKOSI Gidrofizika / ЭКОСИ Гидрофизика | 2011 | 363 S. | Sevastopol’ / Севастополь

Weitere Produktinformationen

Verlag EKOSI Gidrofizika / EKOSI Gidrofizika / ЭКОСИ Гидрофизика
Autor pod red. N. V. Sadrina / pod red. N. V. Shadrina / под ред. Н. В. Шадрина
Stadt Sevastopol’ / Sevastopol’ / Севастополь
Seiten 363 S.
ISBN 978-966-02-6269-0
Detail Collected, analyzed and summarized material on the history of SBS, its development and transformation into the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas, the history of scientific library of SBS-IBSS. Prepared brief biographical sketches on key individuals involved in establishing SBS and its executives. A number of authors wrote essays of history of some departments and areas of research of the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas. /// ///

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