Į mielą šalį Lietuvą. Pargabenimo į Lietuvą istorijos

Artikel-Nr.: 13_43_050

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/ Rimvydas Racėnas / | 978-9986-609-8037-35-7 | Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras / | 2013 | 168 p. | Vilnius /

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Verlag Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras / Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras /
Autor Rimvydas Racėnas / Rimvydas Racėnas /
Stadt Vilnius / Vilnius /
Seiten 168 p.
ISBN 978-9986-609-8037-35-7
Detail The book presents stories of how fugitive deportees and orphans were brought back to Lithuania. The first section tells about the illegal return of deportees to Lithuania and related dramatic happenings based on the stories of people who actually underwent these experiences. The second section deals with the authorised transportation of children of deportees to the Homeland. People still have limited knowledge about these expeditions and the individuals responsible for them. This is why the editors of the book attempted to provide comprehensive information about the self-sacrificing expedition leaders, who went on long, dangerous trips to bring orphans suffering in a strange land back to their home country. /// ///

Auch diese Kategorien durchsuchen: Litauen, Geschichte, Zeitgeschichte