
Children's books

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My Friend Ledvedik

Product no.: 17_77_077

My Friend Ledvedik

by Natalia Kuschnerova

Translated into English by Natalia Kuschnerova

With illustrations by Anatoliy Vasylenko


    120 pages

    17.5 x 24.5 cm

    from 7 years

    ISBN 978-3-946270-02-7

    EastEuroBooks publishing house


my name is Natalia Kuschnerova. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine but have called Munich my home for over 20 years now. I am a graduate engineer and translator by trade.

Books are my passion. I read and translate them, I buy and sell them, but most importantly, I love writing them. I write novels and crime stories yet my greatest passion is writing children’s books. This is because, my Beloved Reader, whether you believe it or not, all adults remain children at heart.

This is a story about a nine-year-old boy named Maxim. Although he seemed to have everything, he was not happy because he had no friends. One day he was given a teddy bear as a present. The teddy bear named Ledvedik turned out to be a visitor from a parallel world and he quickly became Maxim‘s best friend.

Their adventures are well known to children in Ukraine and now I am excited to present them to you.

Original title: Мій друг Ледведик / Наталія Кушнєрова

About the autor

Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev; since 1991 she has lived in Bavaria, currently in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate engineer in specialty «Information and measurement systems» and graduated translator, author of children's books and crime novels.

14.99 *

Mein Freund Ledvedik

Product no.: 17_77_007

Mein Freund Ledvedik

by Natalia Kuschnerova

Translated into Germany by Maxim Kuschnerov

With illustrations by Anatoliy Vasylenko


    120 pages

    17.5 x 24.5 cm

    from 7 years

    ISBN 978-3-946270-03-4

    EastEuroBooks publishing house



my name is Natalia Kuschnerova. I was born in Kiev, Ukraine but have called Munich my home for over 20 years now. I am a graduate engineer and translator by trade.

Books are my passion. I read and translate them, I buy and sell them, but most importantly, I love writing them. I write novels and crime stories yet my greatest passion is writing children’s books. This is because, my Beloved Reader, whether you believe it or not, all adults remain children at heart.

This is a story about a nine-year-old boy named Maxim. Although he seemed to have everything, he was not happy because he had no friends. One day he was given a teddy bear as a present. The teddy bear named Ledvedik turned out to be a visitor from a parallel world and he quickly became Maxim‘s best friend.

Their adventures are well known to children in Ukraine and now I am excited to present them to you.

Original title: Мій друг Ледведик / Наталія Кушнєрова

About the autor

Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev; since 1991 she has lived in Bavaria, currently in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate engineer in specialty «Information and measurement systems» and graduated translator, author of children's books and crime novels.



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Australische Abenteuer mit Ledvedik

Product no.: 22_04_043

Australische Abenteuer mit Ledvedik

by Natalia Kuschnerova

Translated from Ukrainian by Natalia Kuschnerova

With illustrations by Anatoliy Vasylenko


    281 pages

    18.5 x 25 cm

    from 11 years

    ISBN 978-3-946270-21-8

    EastEuroBooks Publishing house

„Australische Abenteuer mit Ledvedik“ is the third part of a trilogy about family adventures with Ledvedik, an alien from a parallel world. Maxim, Vladi and Ledvedik meet in Sydney, where Sasha takes part in an international regatta. Charming Karolin, Vladi’s cousin, is also here. Maxim falls head over heels in love with her and is looking forward to two awesome weeks. Instead of enjoying their vacation, our friends get involved in a dangerous out-of-this-world adventure. As crazy as this may sound, Vladi convinces them that he is on the trail of a gang of aliens who are about to destroy our earth.

Original title: Австралійські пригоди з Ледведиком / Наталія Кушнєрова

About the autor

Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev; since 1991 she has lived in Bavaria, currently in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate engineer in specialty «Information and measurement systems» and graduated translator, author of children's books and crime novels.

19.99 *

Australian Adventures with Ledvedik

Product no.: 22_04_044

Australian Adventures with Ledvedik

by Natalia Kuschnerova

Translated from Ukrainian by Natalia Kuschnerova

With illustrations by Anatoliy Vasylenko


    259 pages

    18.5 x 25 cm

    from 11 years

    ISBN 978-3-946270-21-8

    EastEuroBooks Publishing house

„Australian Adventures with Ledvedik“ is the third part of a trilogy about family adventures with Ledvedik, an alien from a parallel world. Maxim, Vladi and Ledvedik meet in Sydney, where Sasha takes part in an international regatta. Charming Karolin, Vladi’s cousin, is also here. Maxim falls head over heels in love with her and is looking forward to two awesome weeks. Instead of enjoying their vacation, our friends get involved in a dangerous out-of-this-world adventure. As crazy as this may sound, Vladi convinces them that he is on the trail of a gang of aliens who are about to destroy our earth.

Original title: Австралійські пригоди з Ледведиком / Наталія Кушнєрова

About the autor

Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev; since 1991 she has lived in Bavaria, currently in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate engineer in specialty «Information and measurement systems» and graduated translator, author of children's books and crime novels.

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Koly hovoriat’ harmaty… Antolohiia ukrains’koi voiennoi prozy XX stolittia

Product no.: 23_02_024

Коли говорять гармати… Антологія української воєнної прози XX століття / Vira Aheieva / Віра Агеєва | 978-617-8107-53-6 | Yakaboo Publishing / Yakaboo Publishing | 2023 | 408 S. | Kyiv / Київ
48.00 *

Ferien mit Ledvedik

Product no.: 19_22_077

Ferien mit Ledvedik

by Natalia Kuschnerova 

Translated from Ukrainian by Natalia Kuschnerova

With illustrations by Anatoliy Vasylenko


    272 pages

    17.5 x 24.5 cm

    from 9 years

    ISBN 978-3-946270-06-5

    EastEuroBooks Publishing hous

"Holidays with Ledvedik" is the continuation of the book "My friend Ledvedik," which explores Maxim’s life with his friend Ledvedik, a visitor from a parallel world. Over a year has passed since Ledvedik returned to his world. He did not come back as promised and Maxim starts to become lonely and blue. Then Maxim invites a foreign exchange student to visit him, and he immediately falls in love with her after seeing her photo. Unbelievably, instead of the charming girl, a little cheeky boy named Vladi arrives with his big mean cat and oodles of fake stories. Strangely enough, Vladi helps Maxim not only to find Ledvedik again, but they also become great friends. A month full of unusual, captivating, and thought-provoking adventures and experiences with Ledvedik ensues. 


Original title: Канікули з Ледведиком / Наталія Кушнєрова

About the autor

Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev; since 1991 she has lived in Bavaria, currently in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate engineer in specialty «Information and measurement systems» and graduated translator, author of children's books and crime novels.

19.99 *

Holidays with Ledvedik

Product no.: 19_22_078

Holidays with Ledvedik

by Natalia Kuschnerova 

Translated from Ukrainian by Natalia Kuschnerova

With illustrations by Anatoliy Vasylenko


    256 pages

    17.5 x 24.5 cm

    from 9 years

    ISBN 978-3-946270-07-2

    EastEuroBooks Publishing hous

"Holidays with Ledvedik" is the continuation of the book "My friend Ledvedik," which explores Maxim’s life with his friend Ledvedik, a visitor from a parallel world. Over a year has passed since Ledvedik returned to his world. He did not come back as promised and Maxim starts to become lonely and blue. Then Maxim invites a foreign exchange student to visit him, and he immediately falls in love with her after seeing her photo. Unbelievably, instead of the charming girl, a little cheeky boy named Vladi arrives with his big mean cat and oodles of fake stories. Strangely enough, Vladi helps Maxim not only to find Ledvedik again, but they also become great friends. A month full of unusual, captivating, and thought-provoking adventures and experiences with Ledvedik ensues. 

Original title: Канікули з Ледведиком / Наталія Кушнєрова

About the autor

Natalia Kuschnerova, Ukrainian, married, two sons, born on the 16th of February 1954 in Kiev; since 1991 she has lived in Bavaria, currently in Munich, Germany. She is a graduate engineer in specialty «Information and measurement systems» and graduated translator, author of children's books and crime novels.

19.99 *

Пригоди з Ледведиком. Казкові повісті

Product no.: 12_36_060

Пригоди з Ледведиком. Казкові повісті

Наталія Кушнєрова

Художник Анатолій Василенко

    232 стор.

    17.5 x 24.5 см

    від 7 років

    ISBN 978-966-01-0563-8

    Веселка / EastEuroBooks

Чи кожен може похвалитися другом, який вміє передавати думки на відстані, за лічені секунди долати сотні кілометрів, змайструвати генний відновлювач, послати в політ яхту й козу Маркізу? А ось Максимкові пощастило: в нього є такий друг! Про веселі й дуже незвичайні пригоди друзів розповіла в повістях “Мій друг Ледведик” та “Канікули з Ледведиком” письменниця Наталія Кушнєрова.

«Мій друг Ледведик» - історія про зустріч двох третьокласників з паралельних світів, які живуть на Землі. Вона знайомить дітей з такими науковими поняттями, як існування паралельних світів, взаємозв’язок харчування і енергії, з законом збільшення безладу у всесвіті, з поняттям про гени, масштаб, телепатію, телепортацію, гіпноз, про віршування і натхнення. Але, по-перше, це пригодницька історія. А отримати під час пригод ще і деякі знання про всесвіт – набагато приємніше, ніж прочитати про них в енциклопедії.

«Канікули з Ледведиком» є продовженням книги «Мій друг Ледведик». Минуло більше року з часу останніх подій, а Ледведик так і не завітав, як обіцяв. Максим запрошує до себе в гості обмінну школярку, в яку закохується, лишень побачивши її фото. На превеликий жаль для нього, замість чарівної дівчини приїздить маленький зухвалий хлопчик на ім’я Владик зі своїм вередливим котом і купою вигаданих історій. Владик допомагає Максиму віднайти Ледведика, але вони врешті стають великими друзями. Попереду на них чекає місяць, сповнений незвичайних і захоплюючих пригод з Ледведиком.

Про автора:

Кушнерова Наталія, українка, заміжня, двоє синів, народилася 16 лютого 1954 року в Києві; з 1991 року проживає в Баварії, нині в Мюнхені, Німеччина. Вона є дипломованим інженером за спеціальністю «Інформаційно-вимірювальні системи» та дипломованим перекладачем, автором дитячих книжок та кримінальних романів.

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