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Product no.: 12_05_010
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Trafіmchyk Anatol’ / Трафімчык Анатоль | | Baranavіtskaia haradskaia arhanіzatsyia Hramadskaha ab’iadnannia Tavarystva belaruskai movy іmia Frantsіshka Skaryny / Баранавіцкая гарадская арганізацыя Грамадскага аб’яднання Таварыства беларускай мовы імя Францішка Скарыны | 2010 | 144 S. | Baranavіchy / Баранавічы

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Publisher Baranavіckaja haradskaja arhanіzacyja Hramadskaha ab’jadnannja Tavarystva belaruskaj movy іmja Francіska Skaryny / Baranavіtskaia haradskaia arhanіzatsyia Hramadskaha ab’iadnannia Tavarystva belaruskai movy іmia Frantsіshka Skaryny / Баранавіцкая гарадская арганізацыя Грамадскага аб’яднання Таварыства беларускай мовы імя Францішка Скарыны
Author Trafіmcyk Anatol’ / Trafіmchyk Anatol’ / Трафімчык Анатоль
City Baranavіcy / Baranavіchy / Баранавічы
Pages 144 S.
Detail The collection of articles by Anatol Trofimchyk features his views on recent trends in Belarusian historical science. The author reviews recent research works on history and encourages readers to engage in a broad discussion, at times using irony and satire. Anatol Trafimchyk challenges old perceptions of historical events in Belarus and Eastern Europe. Witty and pointed articles on diverse topics do not leave anyone unimpressed, even the most seasoned readers. In his foreword Anatol Trafimchyk calls on his readers to engage in a serious discussion aimed to purge history of myths created by earlier ideologies. /// The collection of articles by Anatol Trofimchyk features his views on recent trends in Belarusian historical science. The author reviews recent research works on history and encourages readers to engage in a broad discussion, at times using irony and satire. Anatol Trafimchyk challenges old perceptions of historical events in Belarus and Eastern Europe. Witty and pointed articles on diverse topics do not leave anyone unimpressed, even the most seasoned readers. In his foreword Anatol Trafimchyk calls on his readers to engage in a serious discussion aimed to purge history of myths created by earlier ideologies. ///

Browse these categories as well: Belarus, History, Modern History