Vid venediv do Rusi. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats’

Product no.: 15_07_008
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Від венедів до Русі. Збірник наукових праць на пошану доктора історичних наук, професора Дениса Никодимовича Козака з нагоди його 70-ліття / Bashkatov Iu. Iu. / Башкатов Ю. Ю. | 978-966-372-496-6 | Maidan / Майдан | 2014 | 380 S., Grossformat | Kyiv – Kharkiv / Київ – Харків

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Publisher Majdan / Maidan / Майдан
Author Baskatov Ju. Ju. / Bashkatov Iu. Iu. / Башкатов Ю. Ю.
City Kyjiv – Charkiv / Kyiv – Kharkiv / Київ – Харків
Pages 380 S., Grossformat
ISBN 978-966-372-496-6
Detail Articles were included in the collection devoted to 75 anniversary of prof. D. Kozak, which cover the issues of ethnic and cultural and social development of the ancient population of Ukraine in the last centuries BC and in the I millennium AD. The articles of diversified content — from the interpretation of archaeological complexes and analysis of materials to coverage problems of origin and the historicity of the Slavs. /// /// Articles were included in the collection devoted to 75 anniversary of prof. D. Kozak, which cover the issues of ethnic and cultural and social development of the ancient population of Ukraine in the last centuries BC and in the I millennium AD. The articles of diversified content — from the interpretation of archaeological complexes and analysis of materials to coverage problems of origin and the historicity of the Slavs.

Browse these categories as well: Archaeology, History, Slavic studies