Zitija episkopov Chersonskich v kontekste istorii Chersonesa Tavriceskogo

Référence: 12_40_027

Жития епископов Херсонских в контексте истории Херсонеса Таврического / Mogaricev Ju. M., Sazanov A. V., Sargsjan T. E., Sorocan S. B., Saposnikov A. K. / Могаричев Ю. М., Сазанов А. В., Саргсян Т. Э., Сорочан С. Б., Шапошников А. К. | | Antikva / Антиква | 2012 | 416 S. | Char’kov / Харьков

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Verlag Antikva / Antikva / Антиква
Autor Mogaricev Ju. M., Sazanov A. V., Sargsjan T. E., Sorocan S. B., Saposnikov A. K. / Mogarichev Iu. M., Sazanov A. V., Sargsian T. E., Sorochan S. B., Shaposhnikov A. K. / Могаричев Ю. М., Сазанов А. В., Саргсян Т. Э., Сорочан С. Б., Шапошников А. К.
Stadt Char’kov / Khar’kov / Харьков
Seiten 416 S.
Detail /// /// The Lives of Holy Bishops of Cherson are the most famous hagiographic works in the «Crimean mediaeval cycle.» This volume analyses their versions in Greek (nine texts), Church Slavonic (nine texts), Armenian (two texts), and Georgian (two texts).The most ancient version of the Lives refl ected the following events: in the age of Diocletian, possibly in the 16th year of his reign, the bishop of Jerusalem, Hermon, having some relation to a certain Esnalot (mentioned in Church Slavonic text), sent two bishops to propagate Christianity, Ephraim to Tourkia and Basileus to Cherson. Having started to spread the word of God in the city and having felt the resistance and harassment (he was probably beaten) from the pagans, he escaped to some cave Parthenon within the city area. Upon a request from some of the «fi rst» residents of the city and his wife, «sent» to the saint by their dead son who appeared to them in their sleep, he called the dead young boy back to life by the rite of baptism. Some assistants of the saint were also present at this event. After this miracle, the parents (and possibly other relatives) were also baptized. However, the pagans raised against the bishop. They came to the cave, found there the saint, tied and dragged him by the legs, and threw away out of the Holy Gates located in the west area of the city. Later, a pillar with cross was erected at place where the saint was martyred.

Parcourir également ces catégories : Ukraine, Livres, Etudes byzantines, Histoire, Religion