Kacestvo zizni naselenija Ukrainy v zerkale sociologii

Référence: 13_07_019

Качество жизни населения Украины в зеркале социологии / pod obsc. red. Akademika NAN Ukrainy V.M. Vorony / под общ. ред. Академика НАН Украины В.М. Вороны | 978-966-02-6448-9 | Institut sociologii NAN Ukrainy / Институт социологии НАН Украины | 2012 | 211 S. | Kiev / Киев

Plus d'informations sur le produit

Verlag Institut sociologii NAN Ukrainy / Institut sotsiologii NAN Ukrainy / Институт социологии НАН Украины
Autor pod obsc. red. Akademika NAN Ukrainy V.M. Vorony / pod obsc. red. Akademika NAN Ukrainy V.M. Vorony / под общ. ред. Академика НАН Украины В.М. Вороны
Stadt Kiev / Kiev / Киев
Seiten 211 S.
ISBN 978-966-02-6448-9
Detail The monograph has examined changes of the quality of life in Ukraine during the period of market reforms. It reflects various modern theoretical and methodological approaches to defining and measuring the quality of life. On the basis of a large data set of national and international statistics, as well as results of sociological surveys, researchers had examined the quality of life of the Ukrainian population, using both integral indicators of social welfare and the characteristics of different components of quality of life through qualimetric approach. The authors of the monograph had revealed complex and contradictory ways of forming the quality of life in modern Ukraine. /// The monograph has examined changes of the quality of life in Ukraine during the period of market reforms. It reflects various modern theoretical and methodological approaches to defining and measuring the quality of life. On the basis of a large data set of national and international statistics, as well as results of sociological surveys, researchers had examined the quality of life of the Ukrainian population, using both integral indicators of social welfare and the characteristics of different components of quality of life through qualimetric approach. The authors of the monograph had revealed complex and contradictory ways of forming the quality of life in modern Ukraine. ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Ukraine, Livres, Sociologie, Économie, Histoire moderne