Sjuzet doby: dyskurs sistdesjatnyctva v ukrajins’kij literaturi XX stolittja

Référence: 14_04_020

Cюжет доби: дискурс шістдесятництва в українській літературі ХХ століття / Tarnasyns’ka L. / Тарнашинська Л. | 978-966-360-226-4  | Іnstytut literatury im. T. H. Sevcenka NAN Ukrajiny, Akademperiodyka / Інститут літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України, Академперіодика | 2013 | 678 S. | Kyjiv / Київ

Plus d'informations sur le produit

Verlag Іnstytut literatury im. T. H. Sevcenka NAN Ukrajiny, Akademperiodyka / Іnstytut literatury im. T. H. Shevchenka NAN Ukrainy, Akademperiodyka / Інститут літератури ім. Т. Г. Шевченка НАН України, Академперіодика
Autor Tarnasyns’ka L. / Tarnashyns’ka L. / Тарнашинська Л.
Stadt Kyjiv / Kyiv / Київ
Seiten 678 S.
ISBN 978-966-360-226-4
Detail "The story of the epoch: The discourse of the 1960s generation of writers in Ukrainian literature of the 20th century". For the first time in Ukrainian literary studies, the present research work offers a systematic and multivalent interpretation of the discourse of the 1960s generation of writers in its paradigmatic relations. This interpretation guides the reader from the “pain spots” of methodological aberrations, through the search for the optimal methodological model, to the differentiation of national and ideological contexts, philosophical and axiological foundations of the phenomenon at issue, and, further, to the highlighting of aesthetic, stylistic and metaphorical actualizations and modifications of its representatives’ artistic conscience. Such a complex research was made possible due to expansion of methodological paradigm. Therefore, the potencies of literary anthropology are combined here with interdisciplinary approaches, predominantly as a synergy of literary studies with philosophy, cultural studies, psychology and other humanities which results in a sort of “soft methodology”. /// ///

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