The Lithuanian Millennium: History, Art, Culture

Référence: 16_04_017

/ Marius Iršenas / | 978-609-447-097-4 | Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla / | 2015 | 696 S., Grossformat | Vilnius /

Plus d'informations sur le produit

Verlag Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla / Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla /
Autor Marius Iršenas / Marius Iršenas /
Stadt Vilnius / Vilnius /
Seiten 696 S., Grossformat
ISBN 978-609-447-097-4
Detail It was the first recorded appearance of the name of Lithuania in the Quedlinburg Annals in 1009 that bestowed meaning upon the subsequent 1000 years of Lithuanian history. In 2009 Lithuania solemnly celebrated the millennium of this event. The celebration involved the organisation of exhibitions, conferences and other events, as well as the publication of a number of books. As a commemoration of this grand occasion, Vilnius Art Academy’s Art Research Institute prepared the publication Lietuva 1009–2009 (Lithuania 1009–2009). Thirty-eight authors—historians, art historians, cultural historians and specialists from a number of fields—produced the seventy essays that lay within the twenty chapters of this book. /// ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Lituanie, Histoire, Histoire culturelle, Art