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Kyjivs’kyj metropoliten. Chronolohija. Podiji. Fakty / Київський метрополітен. Хронологія. Події. Факти

Référence: 11_32_007

Kost’ Kozlov / Кость Козлов | 978-966-2321-17-3 | VARTO / ВАРТО | 2011 | 256 S. | Kyjiv / Київ

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Autor Kost’ Kozlov / Kost’ Kozlov / Кость Козлов
Stadt Kyjiv / Kyiv / Київ
Seiten 256 S.
ISBN 978-966-2321-17-3
Detail This book is about the development of the metro in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Beginning with proposals made in the early 20th century, it traces a fascinating story through the Soviet era to modern times, when the metro is now the backbone of the city's public transport system. Kiev's location beside the Dnieper meant that severe engineering problems had to be overcome, arising from the difficult geology and the need for multiple river crossings. The author's intimate knowledge has produced a graphic account of how the metro lines were constructed and operated, with architectural details about every station. His extensive research has also revealed a fascinating collection of photographs, used to illustrate both the Ukrainian and the abridged English texts. A set of network maps completes the picture of a remarkable metro which is little known outside the region. /// This book is about the development of the metro in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. Beginning with proposals made in the early 20th century, it traces a fascinating story through the Soviet era to modern times, when the metro is now the backbone of the city's public transport system. Kiev's location beside the Dnieper meant that severe engineering problems had to be overcome, arising from the difficult geology and the need for multiple river crossings. The author's intimate knowledge has produced a graphic account of how the metro lines were constructed and operated, with architectural details about every station. His extensive research has also revealed a fascinating collection of photographs, used to illustrate both the Ukrainian and the abridged English texts. A set of network maps completes the picture of a remarkable metro which is little known outside the region. ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Livres, Histoire technics, Histoire moderne, Exemplaires uniques précieuses, Technik, Zeitgeschichte
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