The real history of Lithuania in the 20th century : without political bias, bigotry

Référence: 13_43_061

/ Rokas Tracevskis / | 978-609-8037-31-9 | Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras / | 2013 | 190 p. | Vilnius /

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Verlag Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras / Lietuvos gyventojų genocido ir rezistencijos tyrimo centras /
Autor Rokas Tracevskis / Rokas Tracevskis /
Stadt Vilnius / Vilnius /
Seiten 190 p.
ISBN 978-609-8037-31-9
Detail “The Real History of Lithuania in the 20th Century” is for those interested in the history of Lithuania. Some parts of this history are seen through the eyes of one of its witnesses, Rokas Tracevskis. All during his career, he has been a journalist in the international English-language media (except for his years of work in the European Commission). The book’s author is a historian by education. The book includes some basic facts about Lithuania in the 20th century for those readers who have no clue about Lithuanian history, as well as some interesting details for history professors who cannot find these kinds of history-related details in other books. The book might shock some scholars once they realize they know nothing about Lithuania. This is a mixture of an academic book on history, and a book of memoirs by witnesses. /// ///

Parcourir également ces catégories : Lituanie, Histoire moderne